“Explore the Glamorous World of Costumes in Broadway Revival of Sunset Boulevard”
In this exclusive video, costume designer Tracy Christensen discusses her inspirations for the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical.
“Explore the Glamorous World of Costumes in Broadway Revival of Sunset Boulevard”
In this exclusive video, costume designer Tracy Christensen discusses her inspirations for the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical.
And Ms. Gayer’s many costumes, designed by Tracy Christensen, are spectacular, telling a million little stories… –Jesse Green, The New York Times
The site was fitting for this nontraditional but nevertheless faithful production, which essentially dispensed with sets and featured simple, contemporary costumes by Tracy Christensen.
And as the curtain rises, you’re transported to a neon-lit evocation of 1950s Times Square…. and, of course, the Hot Box, where Miss Adelaide and her bevy of slinky chorines entertain nightly, wearing Tracy Christensen’s naughty, skimpy costumes and flirting happily with the customers. (In fact, the costumes throughout are outstanding, whether the scarlet uniforms at the Save-A-Soul Mission or the sharp plaids and pinstripes for the cardsharps and mobsters.
The costume design by Tracy Christensen is beautifully done allowing the supporting players to transition easily between characters.
Entire NY Theatre Guide Review
Tracy Christensen’s costumes provide an infallible guide to which is which: the characters bringing Stine’s movie script to life wear only black, white and gray; Stine and the other reality dwellers dress in greens, browns, rusts and other Bakelite hues.
Tracy Christensen’s costume design achieves a 19th-into-21st-century universality, with the men’s wardrobes heavy on denim and the women in some boot styles and skirt lengths that have appeared in Vogue in our lifetimes.
Read the New York Times review of Abundance at Hartford Stage: